Find out the ideal saving path for your specific energy needs

riquadro efficientamento

  • Energy audit
  • Real-time monitoring of energy consumption and costs
  • Finding out how to manage your building more efficiently
  • Find out if Renova Power can evaluate an energy efficiency investment on your behalf

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Why choose us

  • Gradual approach: the project’s scope increases as savings are obtained
  • Simulating scenarios, before and after efficiency measures are introduced
  • Automatic alerts for maintenance and malfunctioning
  • Personalized reports and search options
  • An energy consultant always available to interpret data and illustrate solutions
  • Internally-developed software, making it easy to adapt it to specific projects


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Case study

Client: Gotto d’Oro (First wine producer of the Castelli Romani region, Lazio)
Location: Via del Divino Amore, Marino (Rome)
Date: 2013
Our solution:

  • Real time energy monitoring
  • Turn-key installation of a 100 kWp solar photovoltaic system, riconstruction of the roof, thermal cladding
  • Electricity supply: 15% saving compared with the previous supply







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